How to submit candidates for Knitwear of the Week

Ever thought that there was a knitted or crocheted item in a film or show that *everyone* should know about?

Chris Evans in a white Aran sweater sitting with his hands folded at a restaurant booth in KNIVES OUT. Four beer bottles and a half-drunk cocktail are also on the table.

The ultimate recent Sweater (Credit: Claire Folger/Lionsgate)

I can’t watch every single thing out there, as much as I might try, so there’s always a good chance that whatever piece of cinematic knitwear you’re obsessed with right now isn’t on my radar—yet. That’s where you come in.

If you think you’ve got a candidate1 worth obsessing over—new and older pieces apply here, any item is welcome, and “knitwear” is more of a catch-all term; crocheters are welcome here, too!—email [email protected] with your pick2 ! In your email (put “knitwear of the week” or “kotw” in the subject line), please include the following:

  • A photograph of the item in question and a description (the more detailed, the better, especially if you can identify what knitting/crochet techniques were used to make it). I prefer promo images or screenshots for this (aka things I can post without getting sued)

  • The name of the character wearing it, the actor playing them, and what film or TV show it’s from

  • Credits of where you got the photo—or at least a link to a video where I can locate and screenshot it if lighting/quality is an issue

  • A brief explanation as to why you find the piece so swoon-worthy

  • Your name and a link to whatever social handle/site you wish to link out to

I can’t wait to see what you’ve got hidden up those knitted sleeves!

1  No, you cannot nominate the Chris Evans sweater from Knives Out. This photo merely illustrates an example. Also, there are so many other pieces of cinematic knitwear out there besides this one—just in that movie alone—and the Chris Evans sweater doesn’t need to be hyped any more than it already has been.

2  Other guidelines: No repeat garments (so check out the archives before sending your pick in), but you can nominate another piece from the same film/show. Just wait a little while before sending that one out.


or to participate.